Szeged Conference - Call for Papers


for the 13th Conference of International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association


Special Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)



University of Szeged, Hungary

May 24-26, 2018

How can we move forward with the study of religion in Central and Eastern Europe? The Szeged conference takes stock of recent theoretical, empirical, and methodological developments; it brings together different perspectives and types of material, from ethnography and everyday religion to surveys and discourse via visual [photography, films, comics] and literary analysis to sound out contemporary religion.

The title of the conference, “Un(b)locking religion” provides a variety of potential perspectives to study religious developments in the region. Almost three decades ago, religion became un(b)locked in CEE in terms of a new religious freedom. Furthermore, religion became a social factor beyond church walls. However, as a number of studies have shown, religious processes after the fall of Communism were quite diverse; there is no single path of development characteristic of the entire former Eastern Bloc. This is another way to interpret “un(B)loc[k]ing”. And looking at the current situation, “un(b)locking” could also refer to the similarities and differences between blocs of confessions, and types of religion. These are just three different ways to look at “un(b)locking religion”; other interpretations are of course also warmly welcome.

We encourage authors to submit paper proposals addressing empirical cases as well as methodological and theoretical aspects of the study of religion in Central and Eastern Europe, but also on other parts of the world, and to take part in discussion on different topics, such as:

  • Methodological challenges in the research of religion
  • "Soft" methodology in the investigation of religion
  • Limits of theoretical approaches to religious changes in CEE
  • Images of religion in CEE
  • Religion in everyday life
  • Comparative empirical data on religion in CEE
  • Non/religious minorities and majorities
  • Social inequality and religion
  • Religious discourse on Eastern and Western Europe
  • Religious education in public and religious schools
  • Transformations of religious pluralisms in CEE societies
  • Religion and refugee crisis in the public discourse of CEE
  • Religions and integration of migrants in CEE


Keynote speakers:

1. Detlef Pollack (University of Münster)

2. Agnieszka Pasieka (University of Vienna)

Please submit a 200-300 words abstract of your presentation and a 100-word bio by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 1, 2017.

If you are interested in a specific topic related to the theme of un(b)locking religion we encourage you to organize a session/panel. In this case, please submit a 300-400 words proposal with full session details (names and affiliation of contributors, titles of their presentations) by December 1, 2017 to the same email address.


Key dates

Submission of paper and session/panel proposals: December 1, 2017.

Notification of acceptance and opening of the registration: February 15, 2018.

The final date of the registration for the conference: March 31, 2018.

Final program: April 15, 2018.



We are looking forward to receiving your papers!


ISORECEA President: President of the Local Committee:
Dinka Marinović Jerolimov András Máté-Tóth