Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe (RASCEE)
Aim and Scope
Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe (RASCEE) is an open-access peer-reviewed biannual (published in December) academic electronic journal reflecting critical scholarship in the study of religion in the region.
As an interdisciplinary venture, the journal publishes scholarly papers on different aspects of religion in Central and Eastern Europe (sociological, anthropological, cultural, political, legal, historical, psychological, geographical, etc.). RASCEE welcomes theoretical and empirical articles, research-in-progress papers, book reviews and short communications.
Malina Voicu
Gergely Rosta
Book Review Editor:
Olaf Müller
Executive Editor:
Branko Ančić
Board Members:
Milda Ališauskienė
Eileen Barker
Irena Borowik
Dinka Marinović Jerolimov
Daniela Kalkandjieva
Briane Turley
David Vaclavik
Siniša Zrinščak
Submission Policy
Articles submitted to Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe are fully, i.e. double-blind peer-reviewed. All submissions must be submitted electronically.
In order to be accepted for publication, manuscripts must
· be previously unpublished both electronically and in print,
- not be simultaneously submitted to other journals.
Guidelines for authors: All articles should be written in English. The Chicago Manual of Style should be used. Footnotes can be linked to the text and can be descriptive as well as documentary, but should be used exclusively for commenting and supplementing the text.
Theoretical and/or empirical articles should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words long (inclusive of footnotes, tables, abstract, references, short biographical note etc.). Research-in-progress papers can be shorter.
Submissions must include an abstract (up to 200 words), key words (up to 5 words) and a short biographical note (up to 200 words, giving institutional affiliation, area of specialization, up to three most significant publications and e-mail address).
Electronic publication allows for the addition of images, maps, tables, and other visual or auditory aids, and the editors encourage authors to include such with articles when appropriate.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that all submitted materials are free of copyright claims or that they have obtained permissions as required by law. Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe reserves copyright privileges for all materials published.
Book-reviews should be between 600 and 1,500 words long. The following information should appear at the top of the review:
Author. Full title of the book. Place of publishing: publisher, date of publication. number of pages. Price for hardcover / paperback (if available). Reviewed by name of reviewer, affiliation.
All the relevant information about the reviewed book should be indicated at the beginning of the text. The reviewer should set the author's argument within a broad context of scholarly analysis. A critical analysis should follow (criticism should be made only in a courteous and constructive manner).
Reviewers should supply page numbers for all quoted passages; also the publication dates of any books or articles mentioned in the review.
Reviewers should proof-read the text of the review carefully before submitting.
All articles go through a rigorous peer-review process after initial screening by the editor. In most cases, authors will be notified about the editorial decision within ninety days. Authors receive proofs of the typeset text electronically, and they usually have one week to make any corrections. At this stage, the text may no longer be significantly changed and major modifications affecting the typesetting may not be entered.
If a submission is accepted, the author will sign a contract with ISORECEA, the publisher of RASCEE.
Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free for use, with proper attribution (citation), in educational and other non-commercial settings.
Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.